Expand Click Target The text link will increase its click target to cover a particular block of content. Important Notes: When creating a block text link (such as trying to make an entire card clickable while retaining the headline as the link) with the expand_click_target prop, the text link must be placed into a container that is not positioned static (e.g. absolute, fixed, relative, or sticky), and the text must explain clearly the block of content that it’s trying to cover. Only 1 block text link should be used within a particular block of content. Demo
// Wrap this text link with a container that is not positioned static. {% include '@bolt-elements-text-link/text-link.twig' with { content: 'This is a block text link, its click target will cover the entire area of its closest container that is not positioned static.', expand_click_target: true, attributes: { href: 'https://pega.com', } } only %}
// Wrap this text link with a container that is not positioned static. <a href="https://pega.com" class="e-bolt-text-link e-bolt-text-link--expand-click-target">This is a block text link, its click target will cover the entire area of its closest container that is not positioned static.</a>